Sunday, February 19, 2012

Catching up

It's been awhile since my last post.  I must say, 3rd trimester is seriously taking a toll on my energy level...not to mention I have a busy toddler who is still waking up in the middle of the night for attention. It's not every night, and it's not for a long period of time that she is up (it used to be 2-3 hrs of whining and screaming.. now it's 30-45 mins lol) but it takes a toll on this pregnant mama who has to get up to pee 2-3 times a night and then has trouble falling back to sleep.

There have been numerous times where I wanted to blog about my day or something fun.. but then the thought of laying in bed seemed a bit more appealing than sitting at the computer. I suppose I could type something on the iPad but thoughts seems to flow better when typing on an actual keyboard.

I guess to catch up and sum up life since my last post...

Birthday week for Ericka was a lot of fun. It took about an hour a day over a 2 day span for Ericka (and her parents) to open the gifts from the party.  She loved them all and wanted to play with every single item once opened. One of the reasons why it took so long.  On her actual birthday, we brought out the cake our good friend from the Bake-e-Ree made for us for her party! It was delicious!

We've been doing a lot of re-organizing and packing as we headed into a week of renos for Ericka's new room. We had to move everything out of the 'office' and find new places to hide our junk! Thank goodness hubby enjoys these sorts of tasks (well, he had no choice, I was too tired to help and it had to be done). The room was eventually emptied, and he even pulled the old carpet out ready for the new floors in the room! Seriously, he's my hero.

We painted her  soon-to-be-new room a fun purple-- hyacinth purple.
You can see shots of her current room colour here in an old blog post.. This will become "Herm's" room.
Here is a sneak peak of the colour and floor. Buh-bye stupid carpet.

Hyacinth purple + hardwood floors

Next item on the agenda is to get her furniture ordered and put together in her room.. then we can move Ericka from her current room to her new room and start this whole sleep/bedroom training all over again! FUN TIMES!!!!
The good thing is we purchased a video monitor to help us watch Ericka during this sleep re-training. It's definitely helped as we can watch and decide when to actually go in her room when she needs us. You know, when she starts taking her clothes off and then decides the diaper is the next thing to come off. Yeah, we don't want any of those kinds of mishaps!!

And finally, to update you curious readers how far along I really am with this pregnancy.. I'm at about 34.5 weeks (My EDD is March 29th) It's crazy to think it's almost baby time! I saw my mom this past Friday and she commented that she thinks I'll be going in about 2 weeks. Other family or friends say 3 weeks... Regardless, the general consensus if you see me in person is that I'm "ready to pop".  Thought I'd update you with a few pictures taken tonight. What do you think? Ready to go soon or baby "Herm" is going the distance?

My 34th week....

Is "Herm" ready to come sooner rather than later?

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Birthday Week!

Ericka's 2nd birthday isn't until this Friday but we had her birthday party with family and friends this past Sunday!!  I'm working on a blog on it but this third trimester is really tuckering me out.

For now, I just have a few pics of the cake...

Thank-you Bake-e-Ree for the awesome cupcakes and cake!! 
...but my sister-in-law posted some pics from the party on her blog!! (Thank-you Brandi)  Visit Yee Wittle Things to see more.

Hopefully by Friday, I'll have more of a blog post and more pics as we'll open presents received at the party and of course what mommyee and daddyee got for her! Also, we're saving the lovely cake Mickey Mouse cake Melissa from the Bake-e-Ree made for her too! :)

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